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Nilai (ten times better than NCORE®)

2023: We are proud to present Nilai® Class D technology!

The word Nilai® is Malay and means value. We couldn't have chosen a more appropriate name for this brand new technology. With Nilai®, we've taken our existing control-loop topology to a whole new level, resulting in an immense performance upgrade compared to NCORE®. The overall performance has increased again by a factor of 10!

Performance boost

This huge performance boost results in distortion rates that are ten times lower, a power supply noise reduction that is ten times higher, and a reduced output impedance that has dropped ten times. These numbers sound good, but wait until you let Nilai® prove its true worth when you hear these numbers come to life through your speakers!

DIY Community

After twenty years of making amplifier history, we are very aware of the fact that we owe much of our success to our incredibly loyal DIY community. Not only have they always supported and encouraged us, they have also challenged us to excel, which has resulted in the development of Nilai®. We couldn't have done it without their support. As a token of our appreciation and to show them that we don't take their loyalty for granted, we've decided to let them be the first to exclusively try out our brand new Nilai®.